rfc|needs formating, should be simple but I'm too tired to do it now
audio|en-us-have to.ogg|Audio (US)
Alternative spellings
en-verb|has to|having to|had to|had to|inf=have to
- must|Must; need to; to be required to. Indicates obligation
#:I just have to have that shirt.
#:You have to wear a seat belt.
- (with be) must|Must (logical conclusion)
#:That has to be the postman
#:It has to be an electrical fault.
be bound to
Finnish: (when the necessity is absolute) täytyä, olla pakko; (when -"- is less absolute) pitää
French: devoir
German: müssen
Novial: mus
Polish: musie�
Romanian: trebuie s� + subjunctive of the verb
Spanish: tener que + infinitive
Swedish: måste (1,2), vara tvungen (1)
Vietnamese: phải
Usage notes
have to is always followed by a verb in the base form, unless the verb is assumed:
:I don't want to go to school, but I have to.
zh-min-nan:have to
el:have to
fr:have to
io:have to
it:have to
ja:have to
pl:have to